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Proclaiming Christ and making Him

 known in the Center of the Nation



Upcoming Events


Sunday Schedule:

Sunday School—9:30 am

Fellowship Hour—9:30 am

Worship Service—10:30 am


Youth Ministry Wednesdays

(during the school year)


Adventure Club (K-6 grade)

3:30-5:00 pm

Youth Group (grades 7-12)

6:00-7:30 pm

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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20


Sunday Service 1.12.25


Adventure Club for kids in grades 1-6 happens every Wednesday afternoon at Christian Life Center at 3:30 pm. We have songs, games, snacks and Bible stories that teach young children about God.


High School Youth Group meets Wednesdays from 6:00 pm until 7:30. We provide supper at 6:00, fun and games at 6:30, and then study the Bible from 7-7:30.

Women's Bible Study

Pastor Dan's wife, Karen, leads a Bible study for adult ladies every Tuesday night at 6:30 pm. She hosts it at their home at 933 Summit Street in Belle Fourche.

A big THANK YOU to all who helped with Teen Blast

The New Year's Eve Teen Blast at Christian Life Center was a huge success. We thank all the Belle Fourche area businesses that donated so generously to the event, and thanks also to the many volunteers who helped us put it on. The kids had tons of fun, won some amazing prizes, and heard a top notch evangelical message from pastor Josh Brown who drove up from Rapid City to speak. God willing, we'll do it again this year.

Who We Are

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At Christian Life Center, we are a family that welcomes everyone with open arms. Our church is a place where you can find belonging, hope, and purpose as you seek to draw closer to God.



Christian Life Center is dedicated to spreading the message of love, faith, and salvation through Jesus Christ. We are committed to serving our community and making a positive impact in the world.



Church is a place to learn about God, study the Bible, grow in your spiritual walk, and fellowship with people who care about each other.


But did you know there are other well-documented reasons to attend church?

Compared to those who don’t attend church regularly, church attenders experience: 


• Less depression and anxiety 

• Longer life expectancy 

• Improved cognitive function 

• Better overall health 

• Stronger family relationships 

• Greater connection to community 


We invite you to experience the benefits of being part of a church family. Visit us this Sunday at Christian Life Center. 



We look forward to meeting you, learning how we can minister to you, and how we can help you grow in your faith and relationship

with Jesus Christ. 


For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppress the truth by their unrighteousness, because what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, because they are understood through what has been made. So people are without excuse. (Roman 1:18-20) NET

     The apostle Paul stated in the scripture passage above that invisible attributes of God are evident in His creation. He is correct, and we’re blessed to live where access to the wonder and beauty of nature is only minutes away. Sadly, the hectic schedules and busyness of our lives often prevents us from taking time to enjoy the handiwork of our Creator and the chance to marvel at its diversity and excellence.

      Last summer I was invited to go fishing at a private pond near Belle Fourche by a fellow generous enough to share his secret fishing hole with me. I sat on the bank looking across the glass-like surface of the water reflecting blue sky being pushed westward by the purples of dusk advancing from the east. A thunderstorm towered over the distant Black Hills. A hawk circled silently overhead. Minnows darted about the shallows near my feet. The scene contained every color of the rainbow. I took in a deep breath, as if to absorb it all into myself, and exhaled a quiet prayer. “Thank you, God, for calling me to serve here and letting me enjoy the beauty of your creation.”

     The Bible tells us that Jesus often withdrew from his disciples and the crowds following him to go into nearby remote areas and pray. King David comments on the majesty of the heavens several times in the Psalms, and we can envision him standing on a palace balcony marveling at the same stars he saw as a shepherd boy lying in a field on a still night. When is the last time you did such a thing?

     Are you stressed? Worried? Fearful? Depressed? In a recent sermon I shared studies from CNN Health and Psychology Today providing overwhelming evidence that regular time in prayer dramatically reduces all of these. And prayer alone before God in a quiet place where the evidence of His creative genius is everywhere is a remarkable, low-cost medicine that nourishes the soul and recharges the spirit.

     My challenge to you today is to schedule a time right now when you will do as Jesus did – withdraw into nature and pray. Do not pray to nature, which is idolatry, but let God’s divine attributes minister to your heart through what He has made at a time you set aside for just you and Him. Not everyone has the quick access to nature that we do here in Belle Fourche, so let us avail ourselves of the blessed gift God has graciously given us.      

Pastor Dan Carlson

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